Cloud of Petals — 2016
16mm film transferred to HD video and 4K Video
31 minutes 22 seconds
Director: Sarah Meyohas
Director of Photography: Trevor Tweeten
Producer: Rachel Morgan
Editors: Rachel Morgan, Trevor Tweeten & Sarah Meyohas
In August, 10,000 roses were placed in the atrium of the former Bell Labs. The work of photographing the individual petals and turning them into a dataset was performed by sixteen men. The workers set aside the petals they considered most beautiful which were pressed to create a physical subset. The photographs of petals, all one hundred thousand, were used as inputs for an artificial neural network which learned to generate new, unique digital petals. An art film, shot on 16mm and digital video, was created as as documentation of the process as well as an exploration of Bell labs as the workers journey throughout its vast labyrinth.