Geography Biography — 2023
35mm portrait-format anamorphic film diptych, color with black and white, silent; 18 1/2 min.
Director: Tacita Dean
Cinematography: Trevor Tweeten

Geography Biography (2023), 35mm film—produced for Tacita Dean’s 2023 exhibition at the Bourse de Commerce—presented by the artist in this darkened space, draws an autobiographical cartography: the images filmed in various parts of the world are embedded in postcards of the 20th century of its collection, to offer recomposed landscapes, to revive distant and dreamed temporalities, fragments of life and memory of the artist. Thus the 35mm film presented in the form of a diptych, according to the artist, becomes “a very physical manifestation of time: twenty-four images per second. When we work with a physical material, we are dealing with a physical time, not with something hermetic or discontinuous.”